Sunday, March 8, 2020

Westminster Cathedral

Westminster Cathedral
London, England

Exterior Sign

"Westminster Cathedral, or the Metropolitan Cathedral of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ, in London is the mother church of the Catholic Church in England and Wales.
The site on which the cathedral stands in the City of Westminster was purchased by the Diocese of Westminster in 1885.[2] Westminster Cathedral is the largest Catholic church building in England and Wales and the seat of the Archbishop of Westminster.
"John Betjeman called it "a masterpiece in striped brick and stone in an intricate pattern of bonding, the domes being all-brick in order to prove that the good craftsman has no need of steel or concrete.


"The whole building, in the neo-Byzantine style, covers a floor area of about 5,017 square metres (54,000 sq ft); the dominating factor of the scheme, apart from the campanile, being a spacious and uninterrupted nave, 18 metres (59 ft) wide and 70 metres (230 ft) long from the narthex to the sanctuary steps,[9]covered with domical vaulting.

"The main structural parts of the building are of brick and concrete,

"The central feature of the decoration in the cathedral is the baldacchino over the high altar. This is one of the largest structures of its kind, the total width being 9.5 metres (31 ft), and the height 11.5 metres (38 ft). The upper part of white marble is richly inlaid with coloured marbles, lapis lazuli, pearl, and gold. Eight columns of yellow marble, from Verona, support the baldacchino over the high altar, and others, white and pink, from Norway, support the organ galleries." (Link.)

Photos: Taken by RW  in Oct. 2018 with Iphone while travelling in London. 


God, be with persecuted Christians throughout the world. Amen (SW.)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are still blogging about churches for so many years. Thank you, Suzanne. You have more followers than you think. I have been lucky to have visited Westminster Cathedral, myself...
