Sunday Church Feature
Jehovah Witness's on Philips
Around the corner from St. Richard's Anglican Church, North Vancouver, B.C., Canada, (see Blog January 3, 2010) is the Tomahawk Restaurant. But this building qualifies for the Blog Sunday Church Feature because it was built as a Jehovah's Witness Church. It was built in 1956 for $6500. If you sit at one of the tables at the Tomahawk and look at the bones of the building, you can imagine a church congregation sitting there. The room is a long rectangle which would facilitate a center aisle bordered by rows of seating.The ceiling is pointed and there are lines of small windows at the tops of the side walls. The partition at one end, blocking off part of the kitchen even looks like it could have been the backdrop for an alter. However, the native wall mural, paddles and artifacts remind you that you are indeed in the Tomahawk Restaurant.
Before the Jehovah Witness Church moved into the 1550 Philip Ave. building, services were held across the street in one of the store fronts in the Norgate Shopping Center. The Tomahawk BBQ started in 1926 on the north side of Marine Drive at Mackay Road. Then it moved to the shopping center. At this time it was a drive-in. It was in 1962 that the Jehovah Witness congregation moved out and Chick Chamberlain brought his Tomahawk Restaurant to the building on Philips Ave. He modified the building with a $1000 addition.
Photo: Taken in 2009 by SW.
Books: City of North Vancouver Heritage Inventory 1994.
God, be with the persecuted Christians through out the world. Amen (SW.)