Bay View United Methodist Church
2772 Kinnickinnick Avenue
Blog Post: 7/3/11
Churches of Bay View
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
This booklet is a compilation of blog posts from "Churches On Sundays" at of churches the Bay View area of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The Booklet "Churches of Bay View" has been donated to the Bay View Historical Society.

I grew up in Bay View, in our family home at 2839 South Logan Avenue where my parents, Hazel and Orville Frank lived from 1938 to the late 1960's.
2839 S. Logan Avenue
(watercolor by Suzanne Wilson)
The six surrounding churches were part of my life during those years and are part of my most vivid memories to this day. I had some or much contact with all of them: Bay View Methodist Church, Bay View Baptist Church, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, St. Lucas Lutheran Church, Christ Church, and St. Luke's Episcopal Church.
Orville and Hazel Frank
Mark and Suzanne
(Probably 1946)
One of my first memories of my brother Mark (now deceased), four years younger than me, is walking him to Sunday School at Bay View Methodist Church. I still can feel his soft small hand holding tight to mine. We walked down Logan Ave. to Montana St. for three short blocks to Clements St. then across Kinnickinnic Ave. to Trinity Methodist Church (the name at that time).
Bay View Methodist Church/Trinity Methodist Church was "my church"; it was my parents church Some of my best friends were made there: Ann Middleton, Diane Carter, both of which I am still in contact with. Diane (Carter) Wilhite and I travelled to Israel together in 1992. We met weekly in Sunday School, MYF, and choir with Mrs. Cotton. My piano teachers, first Muriel Blackwood and later Pauline Middleton were also members of the congregation.
Bay View Baptist Church on Logan Ave. was a block closer to K K Avenue than our house. Again I walked by it on a regular basis on the way to K K Avenue or on the way to Llewellyn Library just around the corner on Russell Avenue. Again we had neighbors that attended the church, Mel and Ethel Salmon.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church was the church that was at the end of my street, Logan Avenue. I saw it on the way to school, when I went shopping on K K Avenue, or when I waited for the #15 streetcar to go to Mitchell St. or Downtown to Wisconsin Ave. Our neighbors next door, the Greulich's, attended church there.
St. Lucas Lutheran Church is also on Kinnickinnic Avenue. Although both of my grandmothers attended Lutheran Churches what was important to me was that it was in back of my grade school, Dover Street School. So although I was never inside, it was daily in my periphery.
St. Lucas Lutheran Church was also on Kinnickinnic Avenue. Although both of my grandmothers attended Lutheran Churches what was important to me was that it was in back of my grade school, Dover Street School. So although I was never inside, it was daily in my periphery.
Christ Church, on Oklahoma Avenue, across the street from Humbolt Park is where I went every week with my Clement Avenue friend Darlene Gruneau (now deceased) to Girl Scouts. Our leader was Mrs. Kearns, Louis Kearns mother. Our 1956 graduation class also attended Sunday worship aws a group on graduation weekend. It is a vivid memory since it is one of the only times in my life I remember fainting, right during the singing of one of the hymns.
St. Luke's Episcopal Church was just down the block from Christ Church on Oklahoma Avenue. I saw this church on a weekly bases as I grew up because it was across the street from Lakeside Bakery. And Lakeside Bakery was where my dad took me each week for a shneck of my choice.
Blog Posts of these 6 churches are included in this Booklet "Churches of Bay View". The 7th church is the Welch Church which I included because I found in my research that it was the first church established in Bay View. I have walked on Superior Street, but don't remember seeing it.
This strong presence of "Churches" has continued where ever I have lived: Madison Wisconsin, Hollywood California, Vancouver Island B.C. Canada, and North Vancouver B.C. Canada It also was the influence and inspiration for me to write the Blog "Churches On Sundays". By Suzanne(Frank)Wilson, 2016.
Bay View United Methodist Church, 2772 South Kinnickinnic Ave.,
Christ Church UCC, 915 Oklahoma Avenue, 8/14/11.
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church,1023 East Russell Ave., 6/3/12.
St. Lucas Lutheran Church, 2605 S. Kinnickinnic Ave, 2/14/16.
Posthumous-Bay View Baptist Church, 2701 S. Logan Ave., 3/27/16.
St. Lukes Episcopal Church, 3200 S. Herman St., 6/12/16.
First Church-Welch Church, 2739 South Superior Street, 6/19/16.
Note: Suzanne(Frank)Wilson was a member of the Bay View High School graduating class of 1956 and a classmate and friend of John Ebersol.