535 Marmont Street
(1960 Church)
Como Lake United ChurchCoquitlam, B.C. Canada
Dot indicates Como Lake United Church
(Google Map)
Como Lake
(Link 5.)
"Blue Mountain Park is one of Coquitlam’s original municipal parks. It offers an urban forest setting with tall Douglas Fir, Red Cedar, North Red Oak, and several Redwoods." (Link 4.) This park is kitty-corner from Como Lake United Church.
"Activity in the Como Lake area of Coquitlam began with families meeting in homes in the area in 1924, although the congregation is first mentioned in the 1928 yearbook. It is not known whether the United Church congregation was preceded by any Methodist or Presbyterian activity.
Central United Church, Austin Avenue, 1926*
"A small wooden church was completed on Austin Avenue in 1926 and named Central United Church. Before becoming a separate charge around 1950, (Susan: 1925-1952) Central United was part of the Port Moody Pastoral Charge from approximately 1930.
1951 Church, corner of King Albert Ave. & Marmont Street.
started Sept. 9, 1951*
started Sept. 9, 1951*
" In 1951, (*1952 to 1960) with the congregation growing, the church moved to a new location on King Albert and Marmont Streets. The church's name was subsequently changed to Coquitlam Central United Church, but this caused confusion with the church in Port Coquitlam. At the 1956 Congregational meeting, the Congregation voted to change the name to Como Lake United Church.
Banks of side Sanctuary Windows
"A new church was built to accommodate growth and was dedicated on
December 4, 1960. (See top photo.)
Auditorium Expansion behind the Sanctuary
"Major expansions were completed in 1976 and 1986." (Link 1.) (*The old church building remains the current Fellowship Hall.)
Thank you: To *Susan Beer, Church Office Administrator, for an e mail with
photos of original churches and related dates.
Photos: Taken in September 2014 by SW.
Link 1: http://www.memorybc.ca/como-lake-united-church-coquitlam-b-c
Link 2: http://comolakeunitedchurch.com/
Link 3: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coquitlam
Link 4: http://www.coquitlam.ca/parks-recreation-and-culture/parks-
Link 5: http://www.letsgobiking.net/2013/01/56-coquitlam-parks-mundy-
God, be with the persecuted Christians through out the world. Amen (SW.
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